Monday, December 16, 2013

One Month Old

Boston is one month old!

He loves music, with his favorite artists being Katy Perry, Ke$ha, John Mayer, and Jack Johnson.
He is constantly grunting, even in his sleep.
He loves having his feet rubbed by Grammy and when Grandpa does his special whistle.
He HATES having his bottle taken away, even if he is finished.
He is making tooting noises with his mouth. He is a power pooper!
He loves Christmas lights (or any lights).
He doesn't like having his arms swaddled when he is awake.
He looks confused and scowls the majority of the time.
He loves taking showers.

Our little guy is growing up too fast!

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Few Thoughts

I just wanted to write about a couple things I've learned since little Bos has been home and write about a few experiences. The first thing is that little boys will pee on you every time you change their diaper. There have only been a couple times where I have changed Boston that he hasn't peed all over me. The first couple times I couldn't grab anything to cover him fast enough and pee went spraying across the room, hitting walls and Boston's face while I frantically try to grab a diaper or wipe to change him. We have been through so many outfits it's insane. So my mom taught me a little trick. She puts the clean diaper under the dirty one, lifts the dirty diaper off from the back, wipes him while still covering him with the dirty diaper, then hurry as fast as you can to fasten the clean one. That is the most successful method so far.

The second thing is that laundry feels like it's a daily thing. From having to wash wet onesies, dirty breast pads, my own clothes, and milk covered burp cloths it feels never ending. It does end, you just have to stay on top of it.

The third things is that sometimes babies start to fuss and they don't need anything. They just want to fuss for a minute and they are okay again. I learned this fast after we brought him home. He would start crying all the time at night and I would be waking up every ten minutes to see what he needed. I learned to just let him cry and if he didn't stop, then I would get up to help him.

He has been the sweetest thing. I love having him around. It's so hard not to just cuddle him all the time. He doesn't like sleeping in his bassinet and would only sleep in his swing for a while. I think it was because he was so used to being held. He is just so precious. I was watching Cody hold him the other night and they were both asleep. It was a little bizarre to see how similar they acted. It's just a miracle to have a little baby that is a mixture of Cody and I both. I am amazed that we created someone so special.

Cody and I went out with Tacy, Enoch and Emily on Saturday to see Catching Fire and we left Boston with Grammy while we went. It was fun, but I was so excited to get back and hold my boy. I got sick somehow after though. Yesterday morning I got really bad diarrhea and was throwing up. I didn't have a fever but had chills so I thought maybe I just had food poisoning. Today I felt fine until about 10:30. I got such bad shivers and couldn't get warm. I showered and was still cold. I took my temperature and it was 101.3. Luckily, Boston didn't have a fever. I was told to take Tylenol, sleep and drink a lot and just be very careful around Boston. That's hard being a stay at home mom and I'm the one who takes care of him the majority of the time, so my father-in-law came over and watched Bos until Cody got home. I got to sleep and sweat it out.

I'm so grateful everyday for the amazing people I have in my life that help me everyday. I feel like I should be better at being a mom, but since I'm not and need the help I'm so glad I have the family I do! My sweet husband is so great too. He cleans up the house when I sleep and just loves Boston to death and will play with him all the time. I couldn't have been blessed with a better family.