Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Five Months Old

Our little man is now 5 months old! He is getting too big!

He is the cutest little guy though and is learning so much. Here are some updates and accomplishments:

-Holds his own bottle
-Being sleep trained
-Loves new  toys
-Eating "people" food
-Always puts his hand down women's shirts
-He is on Zantac for spit up
-Laughs at mom and dad
-Makes spitty noises with his mouth
-Still loves lights and fans
-Loves Daddy's shirts
-Loves makings faces

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Since moving to Cedar, I haven't been the happiest of campers. I have really been working on looking for the good in everything and reaching out. I went to a play group in my ward last Thursday and got to know a couple moms there. I have enrichment night tomorrow as well, and it's a get to know you activity. I hesitate going because I get major anxiety thinking about having to put myself out there. I will though and I'll have a good attitude.

Life has been a little better around here and it has been good to just have Cody/Katie time. My mom and dad watched Boston Saturday night so we could go out on a date without him. It was so much fun! I miss having our date nights with just us. It was good to watch General Conference this weekend too. I have been really searching for an answer as to why we felt like we should move down here. I haven't really gotten anything yet. The only thing I really feel is an urgency to move back home to Salt Lake.

I feel like maybe we were supposed to move down here to just test our faith and see if we would listen to the promptings or to get closer as a couple without our families right there to save us if we needed help. I'm not exactly sure. I have learned to be grateful through this though. I have learned I need to try and stay positive no matter what trial hits us.

We have had lots of trials since moving I feel like. I don't want to write about it all, but I feel God is really testing us right now and I am trying my best to put my life in His hands and have Him guide me. It's scary and with my personality I want answers right now and I want to know why things are happening. That doesn't always happen and I'm learning to be patient. I know I am a stronger woman because of everything that has happened, however. 

Cody and I have been talking lately about selling our contract and moving home. I feel a little cowardly moving before the lease is up because it feels like an "I can't do this" mentality. I think I need more help than I realized though. I had so much family support in South Jordan and honestly want it back. I loved having help when I needed a break, having family dinners, gardening with my father-in-law, having long talks with my mom. I am looking more seriously at places back near our family now and I hope we can find something.

Sorry for the downer post today! We aren't making any decisions until Heavenly Father gives us the green light, but I just keep praying hard that we will figure out what it is He has in store for us.