Sunday, November 24, 2013

Boston's Birth Story

So I've briefly written Boston's birth story in his baby journal, but I wanted to write more detail on here. Everything started at 7:45 on November 16, 2013. I had to use the restroom and as I was walking to the bathroom I felt like I wet my pants. I thought that was weird so I just went to the bathroom and there was a gush of water. I knew it was my water that broke so I went and got my phone and had a text from Cody that said, "You should just go into labor right now." It made me laugh and I texted him back and said, "Actually I think my water just broke." I called my mom and asked her what I was supposed to do. She had me call the doctor and Cody rushed home from work. We got everything packed up and left for the hospital.

When we got there I got checked and sure enough I was in labor. I was a little over one centimeter dilated and 80% effaced. I couldn't feel any of my contractions still, so around 10:00 they had Cody and I walk for an hour. I was almost 2 cm after that but wasn't progressing fast enough so they started me on a Pitocin drip. I started feeling my contractions after that. They were about 3 minutes apart and started out lasting about 30 seconds. After a few hours they lasted a minute to a minute and a half. After 12 hours of Pitocin and some awful contractions I was only at 4 cm. My midwife was concerned because if your water breaks they want the baby out within 24 hours (preferable 18 hours). I was in so much pain so I told them I wanted some Fentanyl (a pain killer given through the IV). I got 1 1/2 doses of that and finally told my mom I wanted an epidural right now. I don't remember this, but Cody said she asked if I wanted her to leave the room so Cody and I could talk about it first. I just said, "I know how Cody feels about it. I want one." So they gave me an epidural and I felt great!

I remember my midwife talking to me and I could hardly keep my eyes open. She told me to take a nap and she would be back to check on me in a little bit. I slept for about an hour and then could tell my contractions were coming on stronger. I kept having Cody push my drip button for me. They checked me again and I was finally at 8 cm dilated. Just a little after that I was 9 cm and felt the urge to push. My midwife came back and she told me that I would probably be pushing for an hour to an hour or two. I remember thinking, "If I have to push for 2 hours I am going to kill someone." I spiked a fever of 100.4 degrees after I started pushing so they put a strong Tylenol like medicine in my IV and it went back down quickly but they were worried I had an infection, which meant Boston might have an infection too. I pushed as hard as I could and my sweet baby came out about 20 minutes later.

The first thing I asked my midwife was if he had a cone head. Who knows why I was worried about that! She said no, but when she held him up he definitely did. I just cried and cried. I guess the cord was wrapped around his neck when he came out, but he was okay. One of the nurses was trying to get him to cry, but he would only let out two little cries at a time. He finally stuck the booger sucker thing way up his nose and he started screaming. It made me so sad seeing them trying to get him to scream. Cody and a nurse gave him his first bath after I held him for a minute, but then they had to get the rest of everything out of me and stitch me up because I tore on the inside. It seemed like forever before I got to hold him again. He was a perfect 7 lbs 5 oz and 20 inches long. Those long 15 hours of labor were so worth it to see my little man.

They were worried he had an infection though so they started an IV on him in his ankle. They taped it up like a little cast so it would stay there. The first night was a little rough, but it was good. Then Sunday night we sent him to the nursery so we could get some sleep and they would bring him back for feedings. Well we were the only patients in the labor and delivery unit and around 4:00 in the morning we hear an alarm go off saying Code Pink. That means a baby is missing. We knew it was for Boston so we both shot out of bed. Cody went up to the front to find out what was up and I was so nervous I hobbled to the door and a lady wearing black came walking by me. She asked if I needed help and I said, "No I just heard Code Pink." She said, "Okay!" and kept going... I was so mad. Cody came back and said everything was fine, he just had a sensor on his foot that if it wasn't touching his skin it would set off the alarm. They were doing blood work and it set it off. After that we got Boston back and didn't want him in the nursery anymore.

We were supposed to get discharged on Monday, but some of his blood work needed to be looked at after 48 hours and it had only been 30. So I got discharged and could room in. Basically I wasn't a patient anymore, but I could stay until Boston was discharged. We sent Bos to the nursery again that night and I woke up around 11:45 and thought he should be back to eat by now. I tried going back to sleep but couldn't so I got up and was walking around. A nurse asked if I wanted to see him and I did. I went to the nursery and there were two nurses trying to insert an IV into his head. It was so sad! Apparently, the IV in his ankle was bad so they needed a new one. The hospital got ridiculously busy so one nurse left to go help another patient and the nurse still working on him asked if I would come hold his head so he wouldn't move. It was really upsetting to see him like that. So he got the IV in his head and the did the antibiotics.

Tuesday morning Boston's doctor finally came and discharged him. Cody and I were so excited! We got everything ready and booked it out of there as fast as we could. Having him home has been one heck of an adventure. Cody and I are so in love with him already and family on both sides adore having him around. It's tough being a mom but I'll get the hang of it eventually.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 37

Well, I am hitting my 38 week mark on Sunday. On Monday when I saw my doctor, I was a definite 1 cm. dilated and 50% effaced. She said that was really good for a first baby. I am starting to get very, very uncomfortable though. I'm anxious to get this sweet boy out and to have him join our family.

We have cleaned our whole apartment, set up the Christmas tree, bought everything for Boston, and are just anxiously waiting now. Now that he is full term, it's harder to wait patiently. So we decided to start trying some of the natural ways to induce labor. We have walked, had me bounce on an exercise ball, and just bought a bunch of things from Target and WalMart. We got castor oil (yuck!), evening primrose oil, raspberry leaf tea, and pineapple. I am attempting to eat the whole pineapple, have downed a cup of the tea, and just took some castor oil. I mixed half a cup of Coca-Cola with 2 TBS of the castor oil and honestly that wasn't too bad at all. I drank it easily, but you still get the castor oil after taste which is really, really gross.

I'm pretty much scared to death of what may come next with the oil, but if it brings our son into the world I'm all for it! Cody has bought the songs I need for my labor playlist, my bag is packed, baby's bag is packed, and the car seat is in the car. I have trained my replacement at work and this is the first night I haven't been extremely nervous of if I go into labor. Maybe it's a sign, maybe I'm just done being pregnant. Who knows! Either way, let's get this process moving! I'll blog later about if any of this worked.