Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 37

Well, I am hitting my 38 week mark on Sunday. On Monday when I saw my doctor, I was a definite 1 cm. dilated and 50% effaced. She said that was really good for a first baby. I am starting to get very, very uncomfortable though. I'm anxious to get this sweet boy out and to have him join our family.

We have cleaned our whole apartment, set up the Christmas tree, bought everything for Boston, and are just anxiously waiting now. Now that he is full term, it's harder to wait patiently. So we decided to start trying some of the natural ways to induce labor. We have walked, had me bounce on an exercise ball, and just bought a bunch of things from Target and WalMart. We got castor oil (yuck!), evening primrose oil, raspberry leaf tea, and pineapple. I am attempting to eat the whole pineapple, have downed a cup of the tea, and just took some castor oil. I mixed half a cup of Coca-Cola with 2 TBS of the castor oil and honestly that wasn't too bad at all. I drank it easily, but you still get the castor oil after taste which is really, really gross.

I'm pretty much scared to death of what may come next with the oil, but if it brings our son into the world I'm all for it! Cody has bought the songs I need for my labor playlist, my bag is packed, baby's bag is packed, and the car seat is in the car. I have trained my replacement at work and this is the first night I haven't been extremely nervous of if I go into labor. Maybe it's a sign, maybe I'm just done being pregnant. Who knows! Either way, let's get this process moving! I'll blog later about if any of this worked.

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