Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Baby Titus

I am just over 8 months pregnant right now with our second little miracle. We have decided on the name Titus Wyatt. We had initially decided on the name Kaeto (pronounce Kay-toe) but it wasn't really popular in the family and when we talked about the name Titus, it just felt like a better fit for our little guy.

This pregnancy has definitely been difficult. I was sure I was having a girl when I found out I was pregnant because things were so opposite of how it was with Boston. I threw up all the time. I was much more sensitive to smells as well. I couldn't change Boston's stinky diapers unless I shoved gum or a cloth up my nose, and even then I would still dry heave. My morning ritual for a while was to get ready, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, throw up, and brush my teeth again. We are living with my in-law's so it was getting really hard to hide the morning sickness. Unfortunately (or luckily?) I got the flu just after I found out, so I had a double whammy there and then almost immediately after, I got strep. So I was very sick, but being sick helped hide the morning sickness. We finally told both families at 7 weeks. We announced to everyone else just before 12 weeks, on New Year's Day. We went to get an early gender check at 14 weeks and were surprised to have another boy, but we feel so blessed!

Titus has been a big mover. My placenta was across the front of my stomach with Boston so I couldn't feel as many movements with him. My placenta is now across the back and I feel everything! He is constantly moving, day and night. I haven't been as worried this time because the movements are so frequent so that's nice. I have had some pretty intense back and pelvic pain though. I am seeing a chiropractor and I always feel great after my appointments! I am having contractions most of the day now, but they aren't close enough together. It gets tiring, but I am blessed to be able to experience this. At my doctor's appointment yesterday, she told me I am dilated to 1 cm and about 40% effaced. My water broke with Bos at 1 cm and 80% effaced so it could be soon! As much as I want him out, I want him to stay cooking as long as possible to help him grow too.

I honesty am terrified to have two little ones, but I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and my family and it's time for this little guy to come be a part of it! I've been told it's hard, but that you figure it out so I am praying I figure it out quickly.

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