Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week 22

Once again, it's been a little bit. I'm not the best blogger in the world. But here is an update on little Boston. I am pretty sure he is doing well. We had our 20 week appointment and he is definitely a boy. He was moving like crazy. I could feel him move all the time but once I started telling people I could feel him move, he got shy. He doesn't like to kick hard anymore so I can feel him.

He is about 11 inches long and 1 pound. He is measuring from head to toes a little further than my original due date, but not enough to change it. My tummy measured 21 weeks when I was 20 so hopefully he keeps growing fast and we'll get a November baby! He didn't want us to see his hands at the appointment either. He was too busy relaxing with his hands behind his head. He is going to be such a cute kid though.

I've been getting a little sick again, but nothing too bad. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow because I've been having some cramping and my hands are really swollen. Hopefully nothing is wrong! I'll get another update going after that and post pictures once I scan them in. We got a lot! For now here is a picture of how my tummy has been improved.This is from the first week we found out to about 21 weeks.
Same shirt and everything! It's crazy people still say sometimes that I don't look pregnant. Haha I guess they didn't know me in the first picture. This little boy is growing quickly! We can't wait for him to get here.


So I went to the doctor and the cramping is probably just my ligaments stretching and they aren't worried about that. As for the swelling, they think it's my sodium to water intake. So now I have to really watch what I eat and only have about 2 grams of sodium (2000 mg) a day and drink more water. That should make the swelling go down and if it doesn't, then I guess we take it from there! Boston's heart is beating like a champ and I'm starting to feel him move a little more again.

***20 Week Ultrasound Pictures***

Some may look like duplicates but they are all the pictures that were printed for us.

1 comment:

  1. I love it all! I want to see the one of his hands behind his head. He already has so much personality! And totally look pregnant. People are just trying to be nice lol
