Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Past 5 Months

I feel like an awful blogger, because I am... I haven't written about the past five months. Basically life has been a whirlwind and this wasn't on the front of my mind. But it is important to continue to update things so we remember later! I will do my very best to update the important details, so here goes a long post!

At 7 months old Boston loved sitting up and playing, he was all smiles! He makes the most hilarious faces. He loves food, unless it has a mashed potato texture. He started sleeping on his tummy and he LOVES being with his aunts, uncles and grandparents.

We didn't do too much when Boston was 7 months old. The new thing for him is cords and he loves playing with his daddy while he plays video games.

 At 9 months old, Boston went on his first long road trip! The Caldwell's all went to California. We first went to Northern California and then made our way to Southern California. He was so good! He did get pretty sick in the car though and either pooped or threw up on every single outfit. He especially loved the beach! He ate so much sand!

He also loves to act like a big kid! Don't worry we didn't drive with him like this.

At 10 months, we finally got pictures taken of Boston again. He loves other babies so much! He also likes flowers and causing mischief. He gets into whatever he isn't supposed to get into!

He was chewing on fake berries and it stained his mouth.

These are all the binkies we found around his crib. He throws them when he gets mad.

Almost 4 teeth on top!

This is his stink face!

At 11 months old, which is now, he thinks all bows and headbands are so funny! He loves wearing them. He still gets into everything, but it's okay. He is definitely more mobile. He is taking his first steps when he feels like it. He had his first Halloween as well and made the CUTEST Dalmatian for his Cruella deVille mama. Daddy was a green alien. He can get up on the couch and he hides in the covers because he thinks we can't see him. Oh and he throws the best fits ever! He points to his ears when we say, "Where are your ears?". He can wave to people when they're leaving and is learning new words like tisses(kisses) and dats nine(that's mine). We love our little man so much! We wouldn't change a thing!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Back Home

Most everyone knows now, but my little family moved back to South Jordan. It's where we belong with family and to be close to our strong support system. I have postpartum depression and I will write more about my experience but it was so much better for us right now to be around family. We are living with my wonderful in-laws. They have graciously opened up their home to us and we are eternally grateful. I am working part-time with a company called Automated Payment Systems. Cody and his dad are getting a pizza business up and running called Random Slice. When we get the paperwork finished through the health department, you all should come try us out!

Back to the postpartum though, I have struggled with depression before and thought this would be no different and that I could handle it. I got to the point that I was so anxious I couldn't leave my house and go somewhere new without Cody. I wanted to go to the library for a while, but every time I wanted to leave I would get a panic attack. Cody expressed his concern to me and we decided to move back home and get some help for me. Since then, I have been on Zoloft and seen my pediatrician (silly that a 21 year old is still seeing a pediatrician, but she is a great doctor!). I have been able to only be on the half dose and it has been enough for me.

I have loved being a mom so much more and wish I had listened to my sweet husband sooner when he told me I had postpartum. I was in denial though and didn't want to admit I needed a little help. I absolutely hate taking pills to regulate my mood, but I know it's helping me be a better wife and mommy and that's what I need right now. Hopefully I won't need to take anything in the future. I was embarrassed by this before, but now I realize how many women have suffered from this and how talking about it has helped me. I just hope that if any other new mommy's have felt how I did, they can get help too. I have absolutely adored being a mother to my sweet son and it has helped my relationship with my husband. 

I notice when I am actually sad now. Before it felt kind of like, "Oh, I'm feeling sad. Alright, whatever." But now that I'm truly happy and feel so much better when I am sad it is such a contrast. I hate being sad now. I never liked it before but it felt normal. Now happy is my new normal and I love it.

My job has helped me as well. I struggled just staying at home. I don't know if it was because I am used to working, being in Cedar City away from family, struggling with depression or what. I really like work though. I am a data entry person and even though I'm in training it has been really enjoyable. Someday I hope to be a stay at home mama again and see how it goes, but for now I think work is going to be the best option.

Six Months Old

My sweet little son is now six months old. Time is just flying by. He is hilarious too! He is becoming so animated and discovering new sounds he can make and loves to hear himself. He loves looking at himself in the mirror and watching videos of himself. I don't blame him! He is the cutest baby on the planet.

So this month has been a big month I feel like! Here are some new things:

-Sits up by himself
-Rolls all over the place
-Still hates tummy time
-Can get on his knees but then plops back down
-Throws toys
-Eating lots of new fun solid foods
-Naps without being swaddled (not for very long, but it is possible)
-Chews on binky and shoots it out of his mouth
-Holds onto his toes
-Reaches for people
-Loves to growl
-Gets very impatient when he eats. We can't get the next bite in fast enough.
-LOVES anything that has to do with Barney
-Loves "playing" video games with Daddy
-He FINALLY has hair!

It's such a joy being his mama and I wouldn't trade it for anything!