Thursday, May 22, 2014

Six Months Old

My sweet little son is now six months old. Time is just flying by. He is hilarious too! He is becoming so animated and discovering new sounds he can make and loves to hear himself. He loves looking at himself in the mirror and watching videos of himself. I don't blame him! He is the cutest baby on the planet.

So this month has been a big month I feel like! Here are some new things:

-Sits up by himself
-Rolls all over the place
-Still hates tummy time
-Can get on his knees but then plops back down
-Throws toys
-Eating lots of new fun solid foods
-Naps without being swaddled (not for very long, but it is possible)
-Chews on binky and shoots it out of his mouth
-Holds onto his toes
-Reaches for people
-Loves to growl
-Gets very impatient when he eats. We can't get the next bite in fast enough.
-LOVES anything that has to do with Barney
-Loves "playing" video games with Daddy
-He FINALLY has hair!

It's such a joy being his mama and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

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