Tuesday, July 14, 2015

When It Rains, It Pours

This past week has been one of the hardest weeks of my life. We have had trial after trial. Cody went to play basketball with some of his friends on Thursday, July 9. Around the time he usually comes home, my father-in-law comes down the stairs and said, "Kaycen just called me." I immediately knew something was wrong. I asked what happened to Cody and he said, "They are pretty sure he broke his leg." I kept it together the best I could but after he walked upstairs I fell apart. Todd went to go take Cody to the hospital and I decided to go as well with Titus. Unfortunately, the only car I had available was his Jeep, which I don't know how to drive because it's stick shift. Last time Cody had to go to the ER, the only car I had was that dumb Jeep too. My mom and Tacy came and picked me up and took me to meet Cody at Riverton hospital. I was a mess the whole way there. I couldn't figure out what we were going to do because Cody had worked at this new job for less than a month, we just had a baby, and I just quit my job to stay home with the kids.

When I got there, Cody told me the story. He went for a lay up and someone was head to head with him and when he came down, he landed on the guy's foot and it just popped his leg out the wrong way. Cody felt two pops and instantly jumped up onto the stage in the gym and told them his leg was broken. Cody got everything x-rayed and they confirmed that his fibula was broken in two places and would need surgery. He got some pain medication and we went home late that night. We had to wait until Monday to get a consultation with the surgeon and surgery was the next day.

Around 2:00 Saturday morning, I woke up to feed Titus and had bled through everything. So I went to the restroom and changed and told Cody something might be wrong. I called labor and delivery and they said if I bled through a pad in an hour than I needed to go to the ER. Ten minutes later, I bled through everything again. I grabbed a diaper and used that as a pad and Cody and I woke up my father-in-law and went to the ER at Lone Peak hospital. I walked up to the desk and told them what was going on and I look down and I was leaving a puddle of blood on the floor. I felt so bad because I was making a mess as I walked down the hallway to the room. They did an ultrasound and an exam and told me I had retained placenta and I would need suction D&C surgery to get it removed and it needed to happen soon. So I went in to surgery later that morning. I remember going into the operating room and being a little disappointed it looked nothing like the OR in Grey's Anatomy. Then I moved to the bed they needed me to be on. The anesthesiologist told me he was going to give me some medicine to help me relax and that's the last thing I remember. When I woke up, I kept asking where my husband and baby were. They had to decide where to send me for recovery. I asked if I could have my baby with me and the nurse told me no, not on the fourth floor. I starting to bawl and was so upset. The fourth floor is usually where people recover from surgery, but they were packed. They pulled some strings and checked me back into labor and delivery. I was really excited because I loved my nurses, and I was able to have my new baby with me on that floor.

They had to keep me overnight because I lost an extreme amount of blood and they wanted to monitor me and make sure I wouldn't need a blood transfusion. I had some of my same nurses and I love them! They really are the best. Some of the best ones were Sarah, Becky, and Hafsa. Some of them were nurses for my first delivery so that was pretty cool.

Yesterday (Monday), we took Cody to the consultation with the surgeon and today was surgery. It was so hard seeing him in so much pain the whole weekend, but they needed the swelling to go down before they would operate. They put in a plate to stabilize the bone and they needed to make sure the syndesmosis ligament wasn't torn. Luckily, it wasn't so we didn't need extra screws to fix that. The surgery took longer than expected because the bone the broke was completely floating and wasn't connected to any other bone at all. Then Cody took a bit to wake up from anesthesia and when he did wake up, he was in a lot of pain so they had to get that under control before we got to go back and see him. We got to go home 20 minutes later. The plate will stay in his leg unless it starts causing him pain. It's so hard to see him go through this because he is such a happy and positive person. He hasn't complained much at all but I know when he is really hurting. He cannot bear any weight on his leg for 6 weeks and then it will be slowly adding weight after that. The total recovery time is going to be about 3 months.

I have a hard time not being angry because it feels like right when we start to get back on our feet and have a good handle on life, we get completely knocked down and I am sure we will be swamped with medical bills. I am still trying to figure out what God wanted us to learn from the last big trial we had to go through. I guess we didn't learn it or we have something else we need to learn from this. I just have to stay close to my family and to the Gospel and things will work out in the end. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and my family and that this is just a trial we have to endure. I am so extremely blessed that Cody and I both came out of surgery okay and that we have two beautiful, healthy boys. Thank you to all those that have included us in your prayers. We really appreciate all of the love and support.

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