Monday, October 19, 2015

Quick Update

So much has changed the past few months. Cody's leg is finally better (mostly)! He has an appointment next Monday to see if he is approved to run and jump. We moved into my parents' basement apartment again while we get back on our feet. Cody is able to work at the school he has been at as a cook for a little while and I got a job as a waitress at Gecko's Mexican Grill. I have never been a server before but I love it. I only work Monday night, but it's been getting us a little extra to pay for things. I just recently got a job for JetBlue as an at-home reservation specialist. I start training on November 4. I am really excited about it! Cody will be leaving his job at the school to stay home with the boys while I am in training for 4 weeks because it's full time. Then I work my shift at the center for 4 weeks and then I get to be at home. I don't know what my shift will be yet, so depending on what the shift is will determine how easy it is to have my kids with me while I work at home. After that Cody will be getting a full-time job and he will start school in January. He will continue to do the pizza business on the side.

Boston is a cutie, but such a little stink at the same time. He is so smart! I am amazed every day at how smart that little guy is. He has an obsession with candles and always wants us to light them just so he can blow them out. His favorite thing to watch is Curious George and he loves sharks and owls. He has such a sharp memory. He will tell me stories that happened over the summer or months ago and remember such small details. He is very destructive and loves knocking things over. He loves cooking and any time someone is in the kitchen he demands that he helps. He is a bossy kid, but we love him.

Titus has been a hard, hard baby. He is so colicky and we have basically run out of options. I have tried changing my diet multiple times, gripe water, gas drops, fennel tea, chiropractor, kid-e-col, garlic oil (oops, that one was an accident! I thought it was the kid-e-col), essential oils, Gerber soothe drops, Zantac, and formula. The Gerber soothe drops are the one thing that has been tested and proven to help with colic, but I haven't noticed a difference in him. When he is happy he is real happy! That kid has the biggest grin and his eyes just light up. He's such a little love. He sleeps right next to mom every night and eats 4-5 times typically between 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Everyone told me it peaks and gets easier at 2 month, but that didn't happen. Then they said it would be better by 3 months, but that came and went with no end in sight. Hopefully it really does get better soon because this momma is turning into a zombie. He has rolled over for me one time, giggled one time (on accident. He is still trying to figure it out.) and can sort of sit on his own. He absolutely hates the car and if he isn't asleep, he screams whenever we slow down. He's such a blessing and I know I needed him in my life when he came though.

I have continued to take Zoloft for my depression and anxiety. I feel much better this time around than I did with Boston. I am able to leave the house without feeling like I am drowning in panic. I still have days where I have absolutely no desire to get out of bed, but I assume that is normal. For the most part, I feel like I stay on top of my emotions and have control of my life. I hope it continues to stay that way!

There's just a little update on everything!

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