Friday, October 23, 2015

Reminder for Myself

This blog post is almost entirely to remind me that I don't want any more children for quite a while! Today was one of those days where I wonder why I ever decided to have more than one child. The day started off smoothly and I felt pretty good! Then after breakfast it all began. Boston didn't want to do anything I had for him. So we all laid in my bed and played, but then that got boring to him. So he decided kicking Titus would be more fun. And then he stuck his finger up my nose as far as he could and made my nose bleed. Then he gave me a wet willy. Titus is crying like always.

We decide to go to the park to get some fresh air. Titus is now screaming because we had to stop at a stop light. Finally things were going smoothly and it was nice being in the cool air. Boston wanted to go on the big slide, so I told him he could if he could get up there. There was a tunnel he had to climb up to get there and it was wet so I thought he wouldn't be able to get up. I was wrong. He went down with my help the first time and the second time he was about to go down when his foot caught the slide and he goes flying down the slide face first. It scared me to death! I was so glad I was right there to grab him.

We went home for naps and I got some clothes pulled out for Titus and folded them nicely. Titus is screaming bloody murder and won't calm down. He won't nurse or take the binky. I turn on his magic baby lullabies and get an empty bottle for him to suck on and then try to be sneaky and trade out the bottle for the breast. It worked and he fell asleep! I heard Boston a while later wake up so I got lunch ready for him and then got him out to eat. He did great and then out of no where starts screaming, "Ouch!" So I run over and he sat on his sippy cup, which made the straw go funny and resulted in juice spilling all over the floor. So I got him new juice and told him to go sit on the couch. He poked the straw in again and spilled juice all over the carpet. As I'm cleaning the juice of the carpet he kicks all my laundry piles so there are now clothes all over. He refuses to get a new diaper on. Titus woke up again and is crying. Bos found a bag of tortilla chips and they are now crunched into the carpet all over the family room.

I was so tired at this point I put on Curious George for him to watch and he says, "No Mama! Go Go Angers!" (Power Rangers). So I change it to Power Rangers. Then he says, "No Mama! Doop Doop!" (Scooby Doo). So I change it. Then he gets mad and wants George again. I have to get him dressed to go to see Cody at a pizza event. It takes 15 minutes to put his costume on him. Ty is screaming the whole time. We finally get in the car and go and things are calm!

So this is for myself to read any time I get baby hungry. Remember that no matter how cute they are, days like these happen frequently and you're exhausted. You can't think straight and wonder why you decided to have two instead of stick with one like you were comfortable with. Please no more babies until these two sleep through the night and can pee in the toilet by themselves.

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