Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 29

I'm getting closer and closer to my 7 month mark! I can hardly wait. But with that, each day gets more and more uncomfortable. When I was trying to get pregnant and before I told people I was pregnant, people would tell me how much fun it was to be pregnant. They said it was the best feeling in the world and that I would just love it and they wished they could be pregnant all the time! Well, much to my dismay, it isn't as fun as they made it sound. Just a warning to anyone who may come to me for pregnancy advice in the future: I will tell you the truth and it might make pregnancy a little scary, but at least you won't expect only fun and games until labor.

Since my torso is so little, my sweet Boston is finally growing out my sides. Today was really the first day it was really noticeable. Yesterday, he was sitting low finally but tying my tennis shoes was an impossible task. Cody is the best husband and helped me. Today my muscle cramped and I looked at my tummy and sure enough it was wider than I remember it being. I feel like I complain a lot on my blog about this pregnancy. I apologize for that! I really am so grateful that I am pregnant but this is one way I get my feelings out.

Other than the muscle cramp and the growing restlessness, I really am so grateful for this little boy that my Heavenly Father has trusted Cody and I with. It's been a testimony builder honestly. It has helped me realize that I finally get to be a mommy and that's what I have wanted almost more than anything else. It shows me how much my Father in Heaven loves me. And on the nights where I am so sick or have leg cramps or just can't sleep, I find myself praying harder than ever. My little son is teaching me so much already. Mostly how I desperately need the Gospel in my life. I knew that already, but I tend to forget my prayers and scripture study. Boston is a reminder, especially lately, to never forget to include Heavenly Father in my life.

I found a song a little while back and I may have mentioned it on the blog already, but if not here it is. It's called "I Get To Be The One" by JJ Heller. I found it on Pandora I think and just knew this was mine and my little boy's song. This is the only good version I could find on YouTube so I'm sorry it's not an exciting music video or anything, but enjoy!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week 28

Well not too much is new. I had my last 4 week doctor's appointment. I see her every two weeks from here on out. My next ultrasound is at either 32 or 34 weeks but was told I don't see much because he is so squishy. I have my gestational diabetes test next appointment. Poor Cody has his birthday that day. We had already taken the day off so it just worked, but I hope we can get in and out of there quick (that's what she said... haha sorry, couldn't help myself). The thought of drinking that glucola or whatever it is makes me sick to my stomach. I just hope it comes back negative.

Apparently, since my torso is so short Boston is going to start growing out horizontally since almost all the room vertically has been taken up. People have told me I don't look pregnant from the back, but I guess that'll change here soon enough! As for symptoms/cravings, I just want ice cream and sweets all the time. I have heartburn like you wouldn't believe after everything I eat. I have my muscle cramp, which is also because I have such a tiny torso according to the doctor. I'm just being pulled in all directions and that muscle can't take it so it hurts. I am swollen and have back pain but that's normal. It's the best when I can feel my little boy roll across my stomach. It almost feels like when you get butterflies going down the hill of a rollercoaster. It's amazing though. I am absolutely petrified for labor. I have the Braxton Hicks contractions that aren't even that intense yet and it hurts. We'll see how I do when it comes down to the real thing. Let's see the other things are the stretchmarks continue to spread and I am developing red freckles like my mom. She says just to blame Boston but that might just be hereditary.

I love being a mommy so far. I look forward to holding my son in just a few weeks (11-ish now). Despite all the things that you can complain about with pregnancy it's really an amazing thing. I feel so blessed every time I feel the little man kick or hiccup. He is such a blessing!

Just a warning to everyone, I may be blogging more frequently. Cody has started EMT school and is gone at school 16 hours a week in addition to 40 hours of work a week. That doesn't include the hours of homework he has afterwards. I may be really bored and writing helps me be distracted a little. It's only his second day of school tonight and I feel a little lonely and bored. I can handle 7 more weeks of this right? Anyways, that's about all the update I have for now!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 27

Cody and I went down to St. George this last weekend with my Aunt Ingrid, my mom and my sister. It was such a good weekend. We needed a break after the last little stressor we had. Over the weekend we went shopping and got a 3-D ultrasound at Baby Breath Studios. Cody was so good to me and let me get whatever I wanted and took me on a date. He was so cute too when we looked at baby things. He found a little sock set that are Air Jordans for Boston. We also got a cute little monster blanket. I love seeing him get all excited over our little boy.

Saturday we went to the studio and had the ultrasound done. I was told to have orange or apple juice before the appointment so he would be awake. Well we were running a little late for the appointment and all we could find in the car was a Redbull. I had a sip or two thinking that could take place of the juice (I know, I'm horrible for drinking caffeine). Well Boston wasn't just awake, he would NOT stop moving. The woman doing the ultrasound was so funny trying to coax Boston into holding still. She kept telling me I had REALLY good fluid too. Haha I don't know what that means but apparently it makes Boston a very clean baby. She told me this about 50 times. Also, she says he is a really big baby for 27 weeks. Still hoping he comes a little early!

Since we couldn't get very good pictures from our jittery baby, she set an appointment for Sunday so we could have our free second appointment before we went home. I followed the instructions this time and she told me to only have water, no sugary drinks. Well this time Boston was sleeping. He had his legs up by his ears and wouldn't move. Since he is a boy his little man parts were covering some of his face with the position he was in. The woman kept telling me, "He is very confident with what he has. Girls like that." All I could think is this boy is going to be trouble! Haha he better be a little less confident later in life so we don't have issues. We did get some cute pictures though. Here are a few of them.
His hand up by his face

Front of his face

A cute 2-D profile shot

Sucking his thumb

My favorite 3-D picture we got
Everything has gone pretty well though. No serious pains. I am starting to sleep less with his movements in the night but I'm just grateful I can feel him. The one thing that concerns me is I am still really swollen and on the right side of my stomach it feels like I have one ab muscle trying to hold everything up. It wasn't so bad before, but now it'll start pulsing and just ache throughout the day. I have my appointment soon (with insurance!! WOO!) and I'll ask the doctor then. He seems like a happy, healthy boy though!