Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 29

I'm getting closer and closer to my 7 month mark! I can hardly wait. But with that, each day gets more and more uncomfortable. When I was trying to get pregnant and before I told people I was pregnant, people would tell me how much fun it was to be pregnant. They said it was the best feeling in the world and that I would just love it and they wished they could be pregnant all the time! Well, much to my dismay, it isn't as fun as they made it sound. Just a warning to anyone who may come to me for pregnancy advice in the future: I will tell you the truth and it might make pregnancy a little scary, but at least you won't expect only fun and games until labor.

Since my torso is so little, my sweet Boston is finally growing out my sides. Today was really the first day it was really noticeable. Yesterday, he was sitting low finally but tying my tennis shoes was an impossible task. Cody is the best husband and helped me. Today my muscle cramped and I looked at my tummy and sure enough it was wider than I remember it being. I feel like I complain a lot on my blog about this pregnancy. I apologize for that! I really am so grateful that I am pregnant but this is one way I get my feelings out.

Other than the muscle cramp and the growing restlessness, I really am so grateful for this little boy that my Heavenly Father has trusted Cody and I with. It's been a testimony builder honestly. It has helped me realize that I finally get to be a mommy and that's what I have wanted almost more than anything else. It shows me how much my Father in Heaven loves me. And on the nights where I am so sick or have leg cramps or just can't sleep, I find myself praying harder than ever. My little son is teaching me so much already. Mostly how I desperately need the Gospel in my life. I knew that already, but I tend to forget my prayers and scripture study. Boston is a reminder, especially lately, to never forget to include Heavenly Father in my life.

I found a song a little while back and I may have mentioned it on the blog already, but if not here it is. It's called "I Get To Be The One" by JJ Heller. I found it on Pandora I think and just knew this was mine and my little boy's song. This is the only good version I could find on YouTube so I'm sorry it's not an exciting music video or anything, but enjoy!

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