Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 27

Cody and I went down to St. George this last weekend with my Aunt Ingrid, my mom and my sister. It was such a good weekend. We needed a break after the last little stressor we had. Over the weekend we went shopping and got a 3-D ultrasound at Baby Breath Studios. Cody was so good to me and let me get whatever I wanted and took me on a date. He was so cute too when we looked at baby things. He found a little sock set that are Air Jordans for Boston. We also got a cute little monster blanket. I love seeing him get all excited over our little boy.

Saturday we went to the studio and had the ultrasound done. I was told to have orange or apple juice before the appointment so he would be awake. Well we were running a little late for the appointment and all we could find in the car was a Redbull. I had a sip or two thinking that could take place of the juice (I know, I'm horrible for drinking caffeine). Well Boston wasn't just awake, he would NOT stop moving. The woman doing the ultrasound was so funny trying to coax Boston into holding still. She kept telling me I had REALLY good fluid too. Haha I don't know what that means but apparently it makes Boston a very clean baby. She told me this about 50 times. Also, she says he is a really big baby for 27 weeks. Still hoping he comes a little early!

Since we couldn't get very good pictures from our jittery baby, she set an appointment for Sunday so we could have our free second appointment before we went home. I followed the instructions this time and she told me to only have water, no sugary drinks. Well this time Boston was sleeping. He had his legs up by his ears and wouldn't move. Since he is a boy his little man parts were covering some of his face with the position he was in. The woman kept telling me, "He is very confident with what he has. Girls like that." All I could think is this boy is going to be trouble! Haha he better be a little less confident later in life so we don't have issues. We did get some cute pictures though. Here are a few of them.
His hand up by his face

Front of his face

A cute 2-D profile shot

Sucking his thumb

My favorite 3-D picture we got
Everything has gone pretty well though. No serious pains. I am starting to sleep less with his movements in the night but I'm just grateful I can feel him. The one thing that concerns me is I am still really swollen and on the right side of my stomach it feels like I have one ab muscle trying to hold everything up. It wasn't so bad before, but now it'll start pulsing and just ache throughout the day. I have my appointment soon (with insurance!! WOO!) and I'll ask the doctor then. He seems like a happy, healthy boy though!

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