Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week 32

I wish I had more informative things to write today, but mostly all I have are thoughts. Cody is at school again, like usual when I blog. It's been harder for me when he is at school because I honestly don't have any friends. I spend most of the time he is gone attempting to clean the house, reading Catching Fire, or watching Grey's Anatomy. This isn't the most productive and I usually don't get very far cleaning the house because I get tired and achy. So today I am going to write my thoughts and do something a little new.

I have my last two week appointment on Oct. 21 with my doctor. Yesterday I went and my doctor had been called to a delivery so I got to see a registered nurse. I actually liked her better than my doctor. My doctor's obsessions with the gas in my stomach is getting obnoxious and she talks about it like it's a huge concern. It's not. She also has been telling me to watch for my mucus plug (sorry if that's too gross) and when I mentioned it to the RN she said that it's not a big deal and only to be concerned if I am having patterned contractions, bleeding, or the baby isn't moving. She was so informative and nice! I am going to find a new doctor for future babies. I also passed my glucose test. I had to be under 130 and I was at 100. Yay! I still get sugar.

Boston is moving like a champ. His legs are getting strong and I'm pretty sure my ribs are getting weaker. He's starting to wake me up at night. Maybe I'm more tired because of that or maybe I'm getting too lonely, but either way I think I am becoming more sensitive. I have been stressing too much about the baby weight that is now attaching at every curve. I stress about losing my insurance after he's here. I stress about my job because I hate working there and the 7 hours I'm there is miserable for me with the exception of a good day here and there.

I need a hobby and I'm pretty sure I need a friend to chat with. I feel bad if I get one though because I'm sure I'll talk their ears off. It's a good thing I only have just over 50 days now because I'm getting tired of being pregnant! I just want my baby now. I want to be a mommy doing real mommy jobs like changing diapers and feeding him and rocking him to sleep. I cramp all the time and can't see my toes or bend over hardly at all anymore. I have stretch marks up past my belly button and down the back of my thighs, rear end and chest. I would love to do things with more energy and get a body that can tie a shoe on it's own.

I know that Boston is worth it and I wouldn't trade him for anything! I just am tired of waiting. Cody will be out of EMT school soon enough and I can hopefully get a grip on things a little better when I have my best friend back with me more often. Sorry for the jumbled blog post, but there's the update!

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