Friday, March 21, 2014

100 Happy Days

I have been catching myself falling back into depression and Cody's noticed it too. I saw someone post on Facebook or Instagram that they were doing 100 days of being happy. I thought it was a good idea but kind of brushed the thought away. I saw someone else post about it the other day and finally looked into it thinking it might not just be one person doing it. It turns out there is a website for this 100 happy days challenge.

I hate admitting that something is wrong, but I know I'm not as happy as I should be. I used to be a VERY happy person and trying to make everyone around me happy. Sometimes I feel like everyone around me is trying to make me happy and that isn't their job. I don't want to be a burden on them. So I am doing this challenge and I am going to find something to make me happy for 100 days. All I have to do is post a picture on Facebook or Instagram with the hash tag #100happydays of something that made me happy.

Along with that I have been really trying to work on my spiritual side and read my scriptures every day and say my prayers morning and night. I have been great about my scriptures and night prayers, but still struggle with the morning prayers. I'll get the hang of it though. Things have already gotten better since I've remembered to put the Lord first. I got so worried about moving, finances, insurance, family, etc. that I forgot to put my Heavenly Father first and instead remembered Him when I had time.

There are so many blessings in our life that we just need to recognize. So if anyone wants to join me in my journey of 100 happy days, click this link and sign up! It's free and it doesn't take very long. If you want to follow my journey to happiness my Instagram name is KaterCaldwell.

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