Monday, July 2, 2018

Greyson's Birth Story

The last few weeks of my pregnancy, I was measuring at least 2 weeks ahead of my due date. My doctor agreed to induce me on June 28 (my due date). The 3 weeks before I was due, I was sure I was going to go into labor early just like I did with Boston and Titus. I had contractions 10-15 minutes apart, but a lot of the time it was more like 5-7 minutes apart. I went to the hospital twice, only to be sent home again for not truly being in labor. I tried everything you could possibly think of to induce myself (including castor oil... BLECH) and nothing worked.

Finally June 28 came and we left for the hospital at 6:40 AM. We live in Payson and I was delivering in Draper, so we had to make sure we left with plenty of time to get to the hospital by 7:45. We got McDonald's for breakfast and Cody and I were both in such good moods.

We got to the hospital at 7:30, so I let the nurses at the front know we were there a little early. She asked if my name was Katie and I told her it was. I didn't even think about how they wanted my legal name, because I was always called Katie at the hospital and all my appointments. They got me to my room and the nurse brought my wristbands in and asked me to make sure everything was spelled right. It turns out the girl who was scheduled for the 7:30 induction was also named Katie, so they brought me all of her tags.They got everything switched around for us, got me hooked up to the IV and around 8:30 they started the pitocin drip.

Things were going fine and I wasn't feeling any pain. We watched HGTV and just talked with each other. My mom was in Idaho and making her way home that evening, so I kept her and my sister updated to make sure everyone would make it when they needed to be there. I felt like my body was hardly progressing and Grey didn't want to drop down so I wasn't effacing more than the 60-70%. They upped my pitocin dose by 2 points (maybe that's the wrong term) every 30 minutes. When the pitocin got to an 8, I told the nurse I should probably get my epidural since the anesthesiologist was already on the floor. the contractions were feeling like period cramps, but nothing serious.

The anesthesiologist came and did my epidural around 11:45 AM, but it took 4 tries before it was right. The first time, i was feeling all the medicine go in my left side. The second and third try, my heart rate would sky rocket and I would get really light headed every time they would give me the test dose. He said the epidural looked flawless and he wasn't sure why I would be feeling like that. Finally, the fourth try was the one and it started working.

They checked me at 12:30 and my water broke. I was still 3 cm when I was checked and same effacement. The contractions were 1.5-2 minutes apart so they turned off the pitocin since my body figured out what it wanted to do on its own. Tacy got to the hospital shortly after that and they got me using the peanut ball to make sure Grey was in the right position since he wasn't dropping down any further. I asked my nurse what the worst case scenario would be if he was too big to drop down for some reason. She told me flat out that if it came to that, they would pull my knees back to my ears and a nurse would get on the bed and push down on my pelvis until either my pelvis or the baby's clavicle broke basically. That was terrifying, but they said that would is very unlikely.

At 3:00 I was checked again and was 4 cm and 70% effaced. The nurse came in and had me turn to my other side with the peanut ball and started my pitocin again to make contractions strong. About every 30 minutes they would have me switch positions with the peanut ball. I would go from my right side, to my left, to no peanut ball and sitting straight up. I started feeling my contractions again pretty strong and had to have the anesthesiologist come in two more times to up my dose. During all my contractions, I would have to squeeze the hospital bed rail with one hand, squeeze Tacy's hand with the other and Cody would push on my lower back for pressure. I was in so much pain and was shocked I was feeling so much with my epidural.

I was finally dilated to 5 cm at 3:50 PM and I stayed a 5 until 6:00 PM when I jumped to a 7 and was an 8 by 7:20. My mom was able to make it around 6:45 PM thanks to her friend's super speedy driving. She came perfect timing because I had started panicking and having anxiety about everything, which only made the pain worse.

When it finally came time to push around 7:30, I was completely exhausted. Every time I pushed, I would get intense pain deep in my left shoulder. I still don't know why that happened. Every contraction they would have my push for 10 seconds 3 separate times. I felt like I was making no progress. At one point, I started hearing my midwife whispering to the nurses that they need to get ready and I knew that one of the nurses had just taken my mom's spot holding my leg. They were preparing to do what the nurse told me earlier was the worst case scenario. That was probably the only thing that gave me enough motivation and energy to keep pushing.

Since I'm dramatic during labor and get bad anxiety, I kept telling me to just cut me open and be done. I told them I couldn't do it anymore and I just needed to get a c-section. They wouldn't do it though. Finally, I could tell the energy in the room was changing and they could see his head more. It hurt so bad to continue, but I did and my little angel baby came out "sunny side up". That means he was face up in my pelvis rather than face down like most babies are born. Using the peanut ball all day was supposed to put him in the right position, but for some reason he didn't shift.

Little Greyson DeMan was born at 8:05 PM and weighed 9 lbs 11 oz and was 21.5 inches. It gave me some satisfaction knowing that his size plus being face up made the labor so hard. They laid him on my chest and it was such a relief. He had the most perfect little arm and back rolls. Everyone was shocked he was so huge!

Every time a nurse or my midwife came in to check on me, they would mention how most women who have a large, sunny side up baby have to get a c-section and they were shocked that I was able to delivery him vaginally. I had to laugh a little because all I wanted in the moment delivering him was a c-section. I'm grateful now that I didn't have to have that done because of recovery. He has been the sweetest little baby and such a great eater for me. We love him with all our hearts!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Reminder for Myself

This blog post is almost entirely to remind me that I don't want any more children for quite a while! Today was one of those days where I wonder why I ever decided to have more than one child. The day started off smoothly and I felt pretty good! Then after breakfast it all began. Boston didn't want to do anything I had for him. So we all laid in my bed and played, but then that got boring to him. So he decided kicking Titus would be more fun. And then he stuck his finger up my nose as far as he could and made my nose bleed. Then he gave me a wet willy. Titus is crying like always.

We decide to go to the park to get some fresh air. Titus is now screaming because we had to stop at a stop light. Finally things were going smoothly and it was nice being in the cool air. Boston wanted to go on the big slide, so I told him he could if he could get up there. There was a tunnel he had to climb up to get there and it was wet so I thought he wouldn't be able to get up. I was wrong. He went down with my help the first time and the second time he was about to go down when his foot caught the slide and he goes flying down the slide face first. It scared me to death! I was so glad I was right there to grab him.

We went home for naps and I got some clothes pulled out for Titus and folded them nicely. Titus is screaming bloody murder and won't calm down. He won't nurse or take the binky. I turn on his magic baby lullabies and get an empty bottle for him to suck on and then try to be sneaky and trade out the bottle for the breast. It worked and he fell asleep! I heard Boston a while later wake up so I got lunch ready for him and then got him out to eat. He did great and then out of no where starts screaming, "Ouch!" So I run over and he sat on his sippy cup, which made the straw go funny and resulted in juice spilling all over the floor. So I got him new juice and told him to go sit on the couch. He poked the straw in again and spilled juice all over the carpet. As I'm cleaning the juice of the carpet he kicks all my laundry piles so there are now clothes all over. He refuses to get a new diaper on. Titus woke up again and is crying. Bos found a bag of tortilla chips and they are now crunched into the carpet all over the family room.

I was so tired at this point I put on Curious George for him to watch and he says, "No Mama! Go Go Angers!" (Power Rangers). So I change it to Power Rangers. Then he says, "No Mama! Doop Doop!" (Scooby Doo). So I change it. Then he gets mad and wants George again. I have to get him dressed to go to see Cody at a pizza event. It takes 15 minutes to put his costume on him. Ty is screaming the whole time. We finally get in the car and go and things are calm!

So this is for myself to read any time I get baby hungry. Remember that no matter how cute they are, days like these happen frequently and you're exhausted. You can't think straight and wonder why you decided to have two instead of stick with one like you were comfortable with. Please no more babies until these two sleep through the night and can pee in the toilet by themselves.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Quick Update

So much has changed the past few months. Cody's leg is finally better (mostly)! He has an appointment next Monday to see if he is approved to run and jump. We moved into my parents' basement apartment again while we get back on our feet. Cody is able to work at the school he has been at as a cook for a little while and I got a job as a waitress at Gecko's Mexican Grill. I have never been a server before but I love it. I only work Monday night, but it's been getting us a little extra to pay for things. I just recently got a job for JetBlue as an at-home reservation specialist. I start training on November 4. I am really excited about it! Cody will be leaving his job at the school to stay home with the boys while I am in training for 4 weeks because it's full time. Then I work my shift at the center for 4 weeks and then I get to be at home. I don't know what my shift will be yet, so depending on what the shift is will determine how easy it is to have my kids with me while I work at home. After that Cody will be getting a full-time job and he will start school in January. He will continue to do the pizza business on the side.

Boston is a cutie, but such a little stink at the same time. He is so smart! I am amazed every day at how smart that little guy is. He has an obsession with candles and always wants us to light them just so he can blow them out. His favorite thing to watch is Curious George and he loves sharks and owls. He has such a sharp memory. He will tell me stories that happened over the summer or months ago and remember such small details. He is very destructive and loves knocking things over. He loves cooking and any time someone is in the kitchen he demands that he helps. He is a bossy kid, but we love him.

Titus has been a hard, hard baby. He is so colicky and we have basically run out of options. I have tried changing my diet multiple times, gripe water, gas drops, fennel tea, chiropractor, kid-e-col, garlic oil (oops, that one was an accident! I thought it was the kid-e-col), essential oils, Gerber soothe drops, Zantac, and formula. The Gerber soothe drops are the one thing that has been tested and proven to help with colic, but I haven't noticed a difference in him. When he is happy he is real happy! That kid has the biggest grin and his eyes just light up. He's such a little love. He sleeps right next to mom every night and eats 4-5 times typically between 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Everyone told me it peaks and gets easier at 2 month, but that didn't happen. Then they said it would be better by 3 months, but that came and went with no end in sight. Hopefully it really does get better soon because this momma is turning into a zombie. He has rolled over for me one time, giggled one time (on accident. He is still trying to figure it out.) and can sort of sit on his own. He absolutely hates the car and if he isn't asleep, he screams whenever we slow down. He's such a blessing and I know I needed him in my life when he came though.

I have continued to take Zoloft for my depression and anxiety. I feel much better this time around than I did with Boston. I am able to leave the house without feeling like I am drowning in panic. I still have days where I have absolutely no desire to get out of bed, but I assume that is normal. For the most part, I feel like I stay on top of my emotions and have control of my life. I hope it continues to stay that way!

There's just a little update on everything!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

When It Rains, It Pours

This past week has been one of the hardest weeks of my life. We have had trial after trial. Cody went to play basketball with some of his friends on Thursday, July 9. Around the time he usually comes home, my father-in-law comes down the stairs and said, "Kaycen just called me." I immediately knew something was wrong. I asked what happened to Cody and he said, "They are pretty sure he broke his leg." I kept it together the best I could but after he walked upstairs I fell apart. Todd went to go take Cody to the hospital and I decided to go as well with Titus. Unfortunately, the only car I had available was his Jeep, which I don't know how to drive because it's stick shift. Last time Cody had to go to the ER, the only car I had was that dumb Jeep too. My mom and Tacy came and picked me up and took me to meet Cody at Riverton hospital. I was a mess the whole way there. I couldn't figure out what we were going to do because Cody had worked at this new job for less than a month, we just had a baby, and I just quit my job to stay home with the kids.

When I got there, Cody told me the story. He went for a lay up and someone was head to head with him and when he came down, he landed on the guy's foot and it just popped his leg out the wrong way. Cody felt two pops and instantly jumped up onto the stage in the gym and told them his leg was broken. Cody got everything x-rayed and they confirmed that his fibula was broken in two places and would need surgery. He got some pain medication and we went home late that night. We had to wait until Monday to get a consultation with the surgeon and surgery was the next day.

Around 2:00 Saturday morning, I woke up to feed Titus and had bled through everything. So I went to the restroom and changed and told Cody something might be wrong. I called labor and delivery and they said if I bled through a pad in an hour than I needed to go to the ER. Ten minutes later, I bled through everything again. I grabbed a diaper and used that as a pad and Cody and I woke up my father-in-law and went to the ER at Lone Peak hospital. I walked up to the desk and told them what was going on and I look down and I was leaving a puddle of blood on the floor. I felt so bad because I was making a mess as I walked down the hallway to the room. They did an ultrasound and an exam and told me I had retained placenta and I would need suction D&C surgery to get it removed and it needed to happen soon. So I went in to surgery later that morning. I remember going into the operating room and being a little disappointed it looked nothing like the OR in Grey's Anatomy. Then I moved to the bed they needed me to be on. The anesthesiologist told me he was going to give me some medicine to help me relax and that's the last thing I remember. When I woke up, I kept asking where my husband and baby were. They had to decide where to send me for recovery. I asked if I could have my baby with me and the nurse told me no, not on the fourth floor. I starting to bawl and was so upset. The fourth floor is usually where people recover from surgery, but they were packed. They pulled some strings and checked me back into labor and delivery. I was really excited because I loved my nurses, and I was able to have my new baby with me on that floor.

They had to keep me overnight because I lost an extreme amount of blood and they wanted to monitor me and make sure I wouldn't need a blood transfusion. I had some of my same nurses and I love them! They really are the best. Some of the best ones were Sarah, Becky, and Hafsa. Some of them were nurses for my first delivery so that was pretty cool.

Yesterday (Monday), we took Cody to the consultation with the surgeon and today was surgery. It was so hard seeing him in so much pain the whole weekend, but they needed the swelling to go down before they would operate. They put in a plate to stabilize the bone and they needed to make sure the syndesmosis ligament wasn't torn. Luckily, it wasn't so we didn't need extra screws to fix that. The surgery took longer than expected because the bone the broke was completely floating and wasn't connected to any other bone at all. Then Cody took a bit to wake up from anesthesia and when he did wake up, he was in a lot of pain so they had to get that under control before we got to go back and see him. We got to go home 20 minutes later. The plate will stay in his leg unless it starts causing him pain. It's so hard to see him go through this because he is such a happy and positive person. He hasn't complained much at all but I know when he is really hurting. He cannot bear any weight on his leg for 6 weeks and then it will be slowly adding weight after that. The total recovery time is going to be about 3 months.

I have a hard time not being angry because it feels like right when we start to get back on our feet and have a good handle on life, we get completely knocked down and I am sure we will be swamped with medical bills. I am still trying to figure out what God wanted us to learn from the last big trial we had to go through. I guess we didn't learn it or we have something else we need to learn from this. I just have to stay close to my family and to the Gospel and things will work out in the end. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and my family and that this is just a trial we have to endure. I am so extremely blessed that Cody and I both came out of surgery okay and that we have two beautiful, healthy boys. Thank you to all those that have included us in your prayers. We really appreciate all of the love and support.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Titus's Birth Story

Our precious little bundle is finally here! He came a bit early, but I am not complaining about that. I had been having contractions 15-20 minutes apart for about a week and I was in so much pain. I woke up on July 1, 2015 around 6:30 a.m. with extremely painful contractions. I starting timing them and they were only 10-15 seconds long but were happening every 2-3 minutes. Cody was at the gym so I texted him and let him know and he came home. I called labor and delivery and told them about my contractions and they said they didn't want me to come in until the contractions were lasting 60 seconds or more and were painful enough that I couldn't talk through them. So I continued to wait. It came time for Cody to go to work and since my contractions were consistent but not lasting any longer, he went to work and told me to call him when things changed. I got Boston up and ready and we went for a walk around the neighborhood. I was having contractions every 1.5-2 minutes apart at this point but they were still only about 30 seconds long but it was difficult to walk through them. I called Cody on my walk and he said he would head home. When I got home, I used the bathroom and lost my mucus plug. I called labor and delivery again and another nurse told me she was sure it was false labor and to lay down and see if the contractions go away. At this point it was about 11:00 a.m. and the contractions were getting more painful. I called labor and delivery again around noon and asked again if I should come in. The nurse again told me no. Cody told me to call my midwife and ask her since the contractions were getting so close together. I talked to the midwife's assistant and she told me to definitely go to labor and delivery and at least have them check me. So it was about 12:30 when we headed to the hospital.

When we got there, the nurses knew who I was. I told them I was instructed to come in and be checked. Sarah, the nurse manager, was a little bugged I was there I think but she took me to a triage room and I put on my gown. She started checking me and in a very surprised voice told me, "You are a very stretchy 5. Let's get you checked in!" My group B strep test came back positive and they were worried I wouldn't be able to make it another 4 hours to get my second dose of antibiotics. I just kept thinking, "If you told me to come in hours ago when I called you would have plenty of time!" An hour and a half to two hours later I got the epidural. I feel so bad because I had been telling people that epidurals don't hurt because I honestly did not remember it hurting with Boston. Let me be completely honest, it hurts! The anesthesiologist was so great, but that needle is painful and then they inject a ton of fluid into you and that burns like none other. I was grateful to have it though. I definitely don't feel it worked as well as it should have though.

My midwife, Eve, was away on a business trip and her flight was coming in at 7:30 that night so the other midwife in the hospital was with me for most part. At 4:30 I was checked again and I was dilated to 9 cm. The nurse told me it was up to me, but I could continue to wait and see if I made it until Eve's flight got in so she could deliver the baby or they could break my water and get the process moving along. I decided just to have my water broken. After that I went backwards and was dilated to 8 cm. I progressed extremely slowly from there on. I felt the need to start pushing around 7:40 and Eve showed up shortly after. She must have magic powers or something because my kids wait for her to deliver them! Titus was facing sideways in my pelvis and that's why I had progressed so slowly at the end. They gave my this big yellow, peanut shaped ball that I put between my legs and laid sideways. They had me go through 3 contractions like that and then she checked again and he was 3/4 of the way turned. So she had me do one more contraction on that side and he was turned enough that she could then move my cervix to get him the rest of the way. It was one of the most painful things in the world! I kept pushing my epidural button and it would beep at me and tell me I was maxed out on meds pretty much. I felt like I needed to push and I couldn't hold it back. I remember with Boston, I thought that it was silly women yelled during labor because I pushed so hard I couldn't make a sound. Well, I pushed as hard as I could for three contractions and I yelled through every one of them. It was the most painful thing and I even had the epidural. I remember telling my mom to push the baby back in so I didn't have to do this anymore. But after pushing through those three contractions, my sweet little boy was born at 8:52 p.m. They took him and I was so worried he wasn't okay. I asked Eve probably six times if he was okay. Of course, he was. They were just getting him taken care of. I tore a tiny bit, but only needed two stitches.

Titus Wyatt Caldwell weighed in at 7 lbs 6 oz, which is one ounce bigger than Boston was. Cody says they had their equipment on the scale when he was weighed though so we are positive that weight was wrong. He was 20 inches long. We had him weighed a few days later at the doctor's office and his weight then was 6 lbs 12 oz, and with his eating habits we know he didn't really lose that much weight. He is the most perfect baby and is so calm. They laid him on my chest for skin to skin and immediately he wanted to eat and latched on perfect the first time and ate great. He has continued to be a great eater and sleeper since! He looks so different from his brother, but just like his daddy. He is slightly jaundiced, but they aren't worried about that. This little baby is such a blessing in our lives and has made us feel a new love for each other and our children all over again.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Baby Titus

I am just over 8 months pregnant right now with our second little miracle. We have decided on the name Titus Wyatt. We had initially decided on the name Kaeto (pronounce Kay-toe) but it wasn't really popular in the family and when we talked about the name Titus, it just felt like a better fit for our little guy.

This pregnancy has definitely been difficult. I was sure I was having a girl when I found out I was pregnant because things were so opposite of how it was with Boston. I threw up all the time. I was much more sensitive to smells as well. I couldn't change Boston's stinky diapers unless I shoved gum or a cloth up my nose, and even then I would still dry heave. My morning ritual for a while was to get ready, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, throw up, and brush my teeth again. We are living with my in-law's so it was getting really hard to hide the morning sickness. Unfortunately (or luckily?) I got the flu just after I found out, so I had a double whammy there and then almost immediately after, I got strep. So I was very sick, but being sick helped hide the morning sickness. We finally told both families at 7 weeks. We announced to everyone else just before 12 weeks, on New Year's Day. We went to get an early gender check at 14 weeks and were surprised to have another boy, but we feel so blessed!

Titus has been a big mover. My placenta was across the front of my stomach with Boston so I couldn't feel as many movements with him. My placenta is now across the back and I feel everything! He is constantly moving, day and night. I haven't been as worried this time because the movements are so frequent so that's nice. I have had some pretty intense back and pelvic pain though. I am seeing a chiropractor and I always feel great after my appointments! I am having contractions most of the day now, but they aren't close enough together. It gets tiring, but I am blessed to be able to experience this. At my doctor's appointment yesterday, she told me I am dilated to 1 cm and about 40% effaced. My water broke with Bos at 1 cm and 80% effaced so it could be soon! As much as I want him out, I want him to stay cooking as long as possible to help him grow too.

I honesty am terrified to have two little ones, but I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and my family and it's time for this little guy to come be a part of it! I've been told it's hard, but that you figure it out so I am praying I figure it out quickly.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Past 5 Months

I feel like an awful blogger, because I am... I haven't written about the past five months. Basically life has been a whirlwind and this wasn't on the front of my mind. But it is important to continue to update things so we remember later! I will do my very best to update the important details, so here goes a long post!

At 7 months old Boston loved sitting up and playing, he was all smiles! He makes the most hilarious faces. He loves food, unless it has a mashed potato texture. He started sleeping on his tummy and he LOVES being with his aunts, uncles and grandparents.

We didn't do too much when Boston was 7 months old. The new thing for him is cords and he loves playing with his daddy while he plays video games.

 At 9 months old, Boston went on his first long road trip! The Caldwell's all went to California. We first went to Northern California and then made our way to Southern California. He was so good! He did get pretty sick in the car though and either pooped or threw up on every single outfit. He especially loved the beach! He ate so much sand!

He also loves to act like a big kid! Don't worry we didn't drive with him like this.

At 10 months, we finally got pictures taken of Boston again. He loves other babies so much! He also likes flowers and causing mischief. He gets into whatever he isn't supposed to get into!

He was chewing on fake berries and it stained his mouth.

These are all the binkies we found around his crib. He throws them when he gets mad.

Almost 4 teeth on top!

This is his stink face!

At 11 months old, which is now, he thinks all bows and headbands are so funny! He loves wearing them. He still gets into everything, but it's okay. He is definitely more mobile. He is taking his first steps when he feels like it. He had his first Halloween as well and made the CUTEST Dalmatian for his Cruella deVille mama. Daddy was a green alien. He can get up on the couch and he hides in the covers because he thinks we can't see him. Oh and he throws the best fits ever! He points to his ears when we say, "Where are your ears?". He can wave to people when they're leaving and is learning new words like tisses(kisses) and dats nine(that's mine). We love our little man so much! We wouldn't change a thing!